Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Human Rights in 1947 to 1970 and 1970 to 1975

Hi, everyone , according to my topic very broad, now I try with a topic that has title as " The Human Rights in Sihanouk regime and Lon Nol regime.


I want to compare the human rights in both regime for showing all of you, but I really lack some concepts for adding my topic, please everybody help me the comment .

Best Regard


Stan Starygin said...

Hi Meng,

It would be much easier for you and conducive to the paper quality if you could narrow this topic down to a particular right or a group of thematically related rights.


sithanay said...

Dear, Meng i agree with professor Stan about your topic. If you choose any part of human rights, it is small enought for me or others to have comment on yours. thank.