Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wrap-up Post

Dear All,

As time is going onto 8 PM, I would like to say thank-you for all your input. I hope this discussion helped you clear your thoughts about the Lina Joy case and possibilities of application of international law to its facts. Feel free to continue posting messages on this issue later tonight or tomorrow -- I will read all of them tomorrow night.

Have a good night,



DETH said...

Dear Stan,

Could you please take a look at my comment on Morada's blog and comment me back?


Sang morada said...

Afternoon Professor,

Respond to question, does Malaysian Constitution Explain of "Freedom of Religion"? I could not fine any detail of Freedom of Religion in their Constitution, instead, in Human Right and Malaysian Constitution, stated, that: State laws and administrative action have made inroads into the freedom of religion, it information base on (K Boyle and J Sheen, Freedom of Religion and Belief: A world report, Routledge, London and New York, 1997, 218-223, MC Lee, Free of Religion in Malaysia, Kairos Research Centre, Kuala Lumpur, 1999, PL Tan, "Prime Suspect or Potentioal Witness? Paying the price for Religious Freedom: A non-Muslim Perspective" in MA Wu (ed), Public Law in Contemporary Malaysia, longman, Kuala Lumpur, 1999.
