Dear Prof Stan,
My topic term paper writing is RIGHTS TO LIFE IN CAMBODIA.
THere were 3 fundamental rights based on Cambodian Constitutional Law. Those were right to life, right to liberty and right to property. For my topice writing for my term paper, I am very much interested in RIGHT TO LIFE since these critical issues has still draged on unitl this day. As we have already aware, justice in Cambodia has somewaht and slow improved and it was not both sastifed at all from lcoal communit and UN. Fro my paper, I am going to address one of the outstanding cases which were popular and injustice that have never been seen before. The case will be talking about wrong accused of to the two innocent people who accused to kill Lead Lobor Union CHEA Vicha since Junary 22, 2004. The two men were Born Samang and Som Sam Oeun were sentenced on August 1, 2005 for 20 years in prison each despite strong eculpatory evidence.
May 31, 2007 - the special representative fo the Secretary General for HR in Cambodia Yah Ghai visited Cambodia and he also mention that upholding fo these sentence was a grave injustice and he reiterated his calls for thorough, impartial and credible investigation into the murder fo CHEA Vichea.
I am looking foward to hearing your advice regarding my selecting topic at your conveneint time. Thanks and best regards - Se John
That is a really good case, I hope to see your detail about the case that had happen on CHEAV Vichea.
Thank you Manera. I will try all my best to explore and seek more documents to support the writing. My main puspose are A. to share information to friends to think of it is justice or injustice since some of you don't have access to the document and B.to get good grades.
Hi John,
Please, abridge the abstract statement to under 200 words before I can comment on it.
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