Human Rights in Pot Pot Regime and Present Time
Dear Professor: Stan
and all
I have selected the topic already, and I want to compare the Human Rights in pol pot regime and the present time.
whereas Universal Declaration of Human Rights were created in 1948 ( UN. Doc A/810 at 71 (1948) mean that human being known already about Human Rights, why do some countries eliminate the human rights in their countries, include, Cambodia?
First, according to the living source and my experience in pol pot regime, I can share some information in that time, even thought, no any writer could describe the difficult situation of people and people were killed and the human rights at that time.
Second, whereas this topic is very broad, but I'll try to summary for showing, otherwise history of Cambodia was eliminated, so how can we are all know the value of the human rights in the present time, should we know both better.
Third, I really want to share the experience of my country to other countries for the advantage to human being or top leaders around the world for development their countries or commit for people in societies, the sentence said the more experience, the more knowledge, how people behavior in societies.
I am hope to get your comment back
Dear im meng,
After I read your topic, I think it is good to raise the rights in Pol Pot regime. However, I always heard my parnts or others people said that in Pol Pot regime, the government doesn't treated people the same I mean in differnt zone. So it is difficult to compare to our rights in present time. At last, I think that it is very broad topic to analyze for this topic.
Dear Prof. Stan
And All
Dear bang Meng
After scanning through you topic I get the point that it is the broad one and it is hard to compare the right in Pol Pot Regime and present time. You know, accordingly to parents who experienced in Pol Pot Regime they told me that everyone in their area were not respected and treated as animal by Pol Pot Government but some area got better than them. So I would like to have a comment on you that "if you could raise specific right in the area in Pol Pot Regime" it looks better.
Best Regards,
Korm Sovannarith
sithanay said...
Dear Mr.Meng I agree with our classmate it is too large to give ideas, but I try to share some idear but not much because some classmates do not understand much duting that time . You can ask human rights in Khmer Rouge's regime, but answer is that no freedom of speech was seen in that society. In the article of its constitution state that human rights was respectd but only on the theory,but in reality human rights and freedom was canfiscated by Angkar of Khmer Rouge from 17 April,1975. when they moved all people from city to live in rural areas without food, no medicine no shelter,no clear water, they violated human right.That is a small example. In that time, they told the people of Phnom Penh that people must leave phnom Penh only 3 days. Any one can complaint though they wanted to delay,they were killed.( where was the freedom of speech).In short, if we compare it with PRK, they are little diffent because the potical and economic systems are socialism but only PRK is the product of USSR and Khmre Rouge was copied from P R of China.( The result of the Leap Forward theory of Democratic Kampuchea have left in Toul Sleng and Cheung Ek and other killing fields and the remain KhmerRouge stillleaders say they know nothing. ( where is human rights in the regime? )
Hi Meng,
I totally agree with Sovannarith, your topic needs to be linked to one specific right or a group of related rights.
Although human rights during Democratic Kampuchea is a valid topic, judging from your abstract you are going to write more of a living history piece than a rights analysis. Interesting as a personal account of someone who had lived through DK might be, it is hardly a venue for relaying a full story of it. You can use your interviews with those who lived through the DK period to prove some of the points you are going to make about the status of rights during that period.
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