Thursday, July 26, 2007

buddha question

after i read buddha theory said that if we do bad we will become bad in next life and if we talk about human right even we do violate human right we will punish by law so we can see real action of punish on human behavior byl law but buddha said will punish in next life ! How can we believe the person who done bad action will become in bad life or punish in the newxt life?


men ka said...

Good evening,
Well you have understood a bit about Buddhism.
Talking about your question being asked is good one but it is hard to answer. Right, The Lord Buddha taught not to do bad and if we do bad we will get bad result in the next life. Who knows the next life? In Buddha's teaching, he taught people that we are here to day because of our Kammar (action) we have done in the past which means action- reaction. For example, before you can become the BA student at PUC, you must had done something like studying in the grade one upto 12. There is nothing just happens without cause and that cause creates effect. Seeing that he taught us that the action we produces today will give the result for tomorrow or hereafter and no one can escape from the actions he or she produced. But who realizes the next life? We, the ordinary people can not know even me, except the Buddha. With all of these we can say that when we are doing something bad,we will get something bad in the future or hereafter. If you ask me to prove I can only prove what we can see in the present time as you mentioned that when some one kills some one elses he or she deserves to live in jail. See that the action reaction. However, belief is just a belief which we can not prove as what science does.
If you are not clear you can ask for more clarification.
Men Ka

Stan Starygin said...

Hi Ravy,

This is a tough dilemma.

On the one hand, Buddhism has rules of its own and punishments of its own as well that can meted out in this life as well as in the next life. These rules are different for the clergy and the laity.

The rules for the clergy are complex and intricate, whereas the rules for the laity are folded into the Five Principles, which are fairly few and straightforward. The laity is not expected to follow the rules designed for the clergy.

Societies, including Buddhist ones, have since developed more coercive measures of punishment, as the governments that were created were for the most part secular and preferred to mete out punishments in this life, rather than leaving them up to the karmic cycle.

As I understand it, it was done to ensure the compliance with the law of the non-believers. This doesn't mean that the spirit of Buddhist teachings didn't make it into the law.


Blog.Ponnarith said...

Yes prof. Stan! Now I got "non-belivers concept" that I have never thought of, might be they think nothing about the next life would be, for instance farmers feed animal and sell, and sex fracficker... they need only money. But there is human rights exist when they are arrested. they will get bad resulf for this life.

im meng said...

meng said
Hi Ravy
we are the combodian, but most of them abide by the buddha's religion,according to these theories mean that:if you smile to anyone for one time to two time or often smile to he/she,I think they really smile you back in this life, not wait for next life.And other things when people live in happiness, they always say that they made something well past life.